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3 Steps to Grasping the Usefulness Of Honeycomb Structure

December 28, 2016 — by Valeriya Vimon

Honeycombs are a mass of hexagonal cells that bees make out of wax. This awesome shape is present everywhere in nature: plants, human and animal cells. These almost perfect and very stable structures can be both natural or man-made. Honeycomb structures are so versatile and so useful in today’s world and everything started thanks to their small, buzzy inventors – the bees. But what are the uses of a honeycomb structure? Here’s a list of three interesting hexagonal realities found in the modern world: the home od honey

The Home of The Honey

Bees are extremely intelligent creatures that can build honeycombs from rectangles, squares or triangles. And I’m not talking about the basic six-sided hexagon, I’m talking about a perfect hexagon structure with all of its six sides equally long and wide. We all know that honeycombs store, well, honey and we also know that honey is really valuable to bees. They fly around from flower to flower for thousands of hours to gather healthy, delicious nectar that will later give them honey. For thousands and thousands of years people have wondered, how can bees build a structure so perfect like the hexagonal honeycomb? It turns out that the hexagon is actually the perfect structure to store not just honey, but so many other things as well and bees knew that long before mankind did. It’s actually a mathematical truth that the hexagons are one of the three geometrical figures with equal sides that can fit together a flat surface without leaving gaps, along with triangles and squares. And bees know that, so the honeycombs are the real and the most flawless masterpieces of engineering.Architecture's Inventions

Architecture’s Inventions

Bees have inspired so many architects with their perfect honeycomb structures, that there are so many buildings around the world that remind us of the bees’ wax masterpiece. Hive-shaped homes are nothing new to this world, since they became very popular in the countryside of Scotland and Ireland many centuries ago. However, modern architects have used the honeycomb structure for breathtaking buildings such as hotels, residential buildings, libraries, houses etc. One of the latest trends among campers are the honeycomb structured tents that are so intriguing they will make you the coolest group of friends on a festival or at the beach. Just like it was cited before, honeycombs are the masterpiece form of engineering and that’s why many architects took this structure as an inspiration to create wonderful, mind-bending buildings.honeycomb cellular shades

Cellular Blinds For Privacy and Style

Yes, blinds. Did you know there actually are honeycomb cellular shades that will keep you warm when cold days arrive and cool in summer? They are available in many colors and sizes and one of the coolest things about them is that they are cordless, which makes them the perfect blinds when having kids around. The honeycomb cellular shades can be easily operated like regular shades, so besides raising the bottom you can also lower the top. That’s why they are the ideal privacy blinds and the coolest part is that they are very easy to install. Honeycomb cellular shades can be used in any room of the house, because they are adaptable to every style, mood or furniture. Their multiple control options and their functionality is what makes them one of the most favorite shades on the market these days. Besides, they are elegant, stylish and can be made out of many different fabric materials.