Home Decor & Garden

With Revolutionary Steps to a Shiny Home: Benefits of Robotic Dusting Mop

April 22, 2016 — by Valeriya Vimon

Whether we realize it or not, we spend a considerable amount of our lives cleaning. Sometimes you may clean one day only to find your home dirty again the next day as if it has not been cleaned in weeks; other times there might be certain situations or people creating extra work. Great news is that the simplified futuristic life-depicted in The Jetsons is already here in most aspects, especially when it comes to cleaning. Thanks to the invention of electric cleaning (Rosie-like), you no longer have to waste your precious time and energy on the most annoying task – vacuuming.

Robotic-Vacuum-Consistent (1)

The essence of household chores has changed a lot since the introduction of the electric robotic vacuum cleaners. Their sleek design, advanced technology and ease of use makes these practical robots the best electric cleaning solution. Small and cute as a button, electric mops are a great choice for many households or anyone who is fed up of cleaning. All you need to do is press the clean button and this little wonder works, it is at your disposal for vacuuming floors whenever you need it. There are many benefits of owning this dusting mop and here are a few of them.


Although small, robotic dusting mops are very powerful and can save you a lot of time when cleaning. You will no longer have to wish the day had more hours and beat yourself in order to squeeze vacuuming in your busy daily schedule. Instead, you will find yourself having more time that you can use for family bonding.


All Types Of Floors

Another great benefit of owning a robotic mop is that it can clean different types of floors. Be it parquet, tiles, vinyl, laminate or floor boards, this handy tool will clean your home in no time. Electric cleaning rids you of the vacuuming responsibility entirely. The Virobi robotic dusting mop with its self-rotation power and flexible base is ideal for reaching corners.

Rechargeable Batteries

If you clean more often and your worry is energy consumption, fret not. Once finished (or when low on battery) the robotic mop is designed to go back to the docking station to recharge so you do not have to spend money on new batteries.

Dirt-Detecting Sensors

Thanks to its sensor, the robotic dusting mop can detect and clean any dirt, be it on a large or small surface area. What’s more, if there is more dirt accumulated on a specific area, the robot will do more cleaning there. From hair to dust and paper, the robotic mop can clean it all.

Cleaning Program

The best thing about robotic mops is you can set them to cleaning mode even when you are not at home. No more surprises when unexpected guests knock on your door. No more guilt about not being able to vacuum frequently. Just set the time and leave the job in the “hands” of this little buddy.

Hard-To-Reach Spaces

Its compact design, small size and suction power makes this device the ideal tool for cleaning underneath beds, sofas, chairs and other furniture.