
Summer Swims: Steps I Took to Prepare my Pool Area

November 22, 2018 — by Valeriya Vimon

Can you wait for summer? I know I can’t! It’s high time we welcomed the hot days, and though I am going to spend most of them working, I still intend to enjoy the time off relaxing in my home, more specifically the pool area.

Other than just waiting to use it all these past months, I had to start preparing it for the season, so the first step of preparation was buying the floating lounger that guarantees pool relaxation. Since I enjoy sunbathing as much as swimming, a lounger like this gives me the best of both worlds, and features such as arm and backrests were more than welcome.

To be able to make the most of pool lounging with a drink, it was important for me to find a floating lounger that also has a built-in drink holder. What would enjoyment be if I had to run all the way back to the kitchen to fetch my drink and get back on the lounger every time? Which brings me to the next step: outdoor mini-fridge.

The bonus is it’s not that mini, but still doesn’t take up much space, and it provides more storage than what I previously thought, so I expect to use it for storing fruit snacks too. On the plus side as well, it’s eco-friendly and doesn’t create noise – happy me, happy neighbours.

Floating Lounger

Seating is also of the essence, for before and after the pool fun, then again I don’t aim to get cramped space which is why I ended up with a cool bench. Wanting to turn it into a multi-purpose piece, I relied on my DIY skills and created drawers for underneath the bench, and I’m in love with the result: more seats and hiding storage where I can keep my books, devices, and sunscreen at hand.

Saving the best for last, it was time to count on lighting to do the magic allowing me to enjoy night swims equally as the day ones. This included LEDs both in the pool and around it, so now I can’t wait to swim in my starry nightlike pool.

Lighting was the piece I needed to create a warm and unique atmosphere, but the pool area wasn’t the only to get the lighting makeover, the pathways did too. Other than the cosiness, it’s useful for safety purposes and that’s what I call a great investment.

Preparations complete, all I have to do is learn how to make some new cocktail, and wait for the hot days to arrive.