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Steps to Turning Your Cold Bathroom Into a Cozy Retreat

November 13, 2020 — by Richard Dawson

Many people perceive their bathroom solely as a space meant for maintaining their hygiene. However, that doesn’t mean that yours can’t be a cozy and relaxing spa-like retreat. With the right approach, you can create a warm and comfortable bathroom where you will feel good while performing your skin care routine and washing away the stress of a long day. Tiny changes can make a big difference in this part of your home.

Install a Heated Towel Hail

If you haven’t experienced the luxury of wrapping yourself in a hot towel after taking a shower, you are missing out. If you’re not sure what is a heated towel rail, you’ll be happy to learn that it’s a special holder designed to keep towels warm and dry. Years ago, heated towel rails were considered a luxury in the average Australian home. Today, however, thanks to advances in modern technology and functional design, towel rails are affordable, must-have units that can enhance your bathroom in various aspects.

towel rail heater
source: pinterest.com.au

With most electric heated towel rails using between 60-120 w, they are a much more energy-efficient way to keep your towels dry and your bathroom warm than running your ducted heating or radiator heater. And when it comes to how electric towel rails work, instead of relying on a heating liquid inside the rails, these units use a dry heating element. This makes electric towel rail holders more efficient as they don’t lose that much heat. When a towel is placed over the rails, the heat is trapped, drying up the towels and increasing the overall room temperature.

Update Your Shower Head

shower heads
source: aquaticabath.eu

If you are a kind of person who prefers taking a shower rather than soaking in a bathtub just because it takes less time, you should consider updating your regular shower head to a rain shower. A rain shower head is generally larger in size and wider than the traditional units. Usually hung over the head, these fixtures don’t spray a concentrated water stream at you directly. The result is enjoying a spa-like and luxurious shower experience in your own bathroom. Look for a rain shower head that has different settings. This way you can choose whether you want to shower under a powerful water flow or mist.

Add Some Furniture

It is not a common thing, but adding some furniture inside the bathroom is a great way to make the space cozier and more comfortable. An antique or even a minimalist piece of furniture may be what you need to make your bathroom more appealing and functional. Depending on the size of your space, you can get a small stool or an ottoman where you can sit while waiting for the bathtub to fill up, or while performing your skincare routine. Make the most out of your furniture by adding warm and fuzzy rugs and mats.

bathroom furniture
source: appollobath.com

Consider Ambient Lighting

Installing wall lights or under-counter lighting in your bathroom will allow you to switch off your main lights when enjoying a bath and create a cozy ambience. If you have a large window or a skylight, you can enjoy natural light throughout the day, making your space brighter and more inviting. Imitation candles or spotlights are other great options if you are interested in adding ambience lighting. You can also opt for lighting with a dimmer switch to vary the light intensity depending on your mood.

Add Some Shelves

Most people keep a great part of their daily hygiene and beauty essentials in their bathrooms. However, that doesn’t mean that they should be placed randomly. After all, a bathroom full of clutter doesn’t really ooze serenity. To enjoy these essential products without compromising the ambience of your bathroom, invest in smart storage solutions, such as shelves. Even if you are a minimalist, you can neatly organize your toiletries on shelves that complement your bathroom’s interior design.

bathroom shelves
source: wayfair.com

Breathe Life Into Your Bathroom With Plants

If your bathroom has windows and access to natural light, make the most out of it by adding plants. In addition to filtering contaminants and making the air cleaner, plants can also add a pop of colour to your space. There is a number of easy to care houseplants to choose from. Find the ones that best suit your lifestyle.