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Outdoor Kitchen Guide: Step Up Your Al Fresco Dining Game

April 20, 2021 — by Valeriya Vimon

No matter what time of the year it is, if you live in the parts of Australia where summer is a constant, you know that having a nice backyard and a big, comfy patio is irreplaceable. 

Even in the parts of our country where the seasons do change, having the luxury to spend the warm months outside in the sun, but still within the privacy of your own home is something people with apartments really do envy. 

Big backyard
Source: media.vrbo.com

A backyard and a patio have many perks. They can be used for so many things! From a playground for the children to a lovely space to meet with friends during those warm, lovely nights – the possibilities are endless. 

If you’re one that really likes spending time outside, especially when entertaining a group of friends, why not consider taking the whole experience to the next level and turning your patio into an even more functional space that will give you everything you really need to spend your day breathing in the fresh air and connecting with nature? 

I’m talking about adding an outdoor kitchen! If you’d like to design your very own outside kitchen, follow these three steps to make sure you have the whole experience tied together nicely! 

Source: flcreativeoutdoorkitchens.com

Choose the Elements for a Functional Patio Kitchen 

An outdoor kitchen isn’t really an outdoor kitchen without appliances. Still, if you’re thinking about moving the old stove and fridge to the patio and starting your kitchen out that way, I’ll have to ask you to step away from the appliances and take a deep breath! 

Outdoor kitchens differ in many ways from indoor ones, in terms of appliances and everything else, really. Instead of trying to repurpose old kitchen units, you can save yourself the trouble and extra steps of figuring it out and just look for a store that sells patio kitchens

Patio kitchen
Source: i.pinimg.com

Patio kitchens are a special kind of outdoor kitchen unit that is equipped with everything you’ll ever need to cook delicious meals, only without the risks you’d run if you were to use regular, inside appliances! 

Outdoor kitchen units are really just that – a whole unit built of appliances perfect for outdoor usage! Usually made out of stainless steel, they’re versatile and practical and can include everything, from stove and grill to countertops and a fridge. 

The units come in various colours and can be customized to fit your needs. Also available in different sizes, they can be made to fit your patio just right while still allowing you to have everything you want to have in an outdoor kitchen! 

You can mix and match and buy separately or order a custom outdoor kitchen. You can also choose between a built-in or modular kitchen to maximize the space and functionality. 

These kitchens are optimized for working under the influence of the weather so they’re completely safe to use and they look really stylish, too! The variety of styles allows you to match your kitchen to the outside of your house and the overall look of your backyard and get a nice, flowing finish. 

Kitchen backyard
‘Source: cdn.midwesthome.com

The Right Patio Furniture for Perfect Outdoor Entertaining 

No outdoor kitchen is really complete without a nice seating arrangement. Inside we often have a dining room, but a patio can only offer so much space, and if you don’t have an extended backyard, you’ll have to add the dining area alongside the kitchen one. Even if you do, a seating arrangement on the patio will make things much simpler and cozier. 

When choosing outdoor furniture you’ll need to make sure you’re getting the right kind. This means that you’ll need to match the furniture with your outdoor kitchen or choose a set that will contrast it, but in a complementary way.

The materials used in your outdoor furniture, whether it’s a sofa, a table, set of chairs, or something completely different is key. You’ll need to get something that is durable, can withstand the weather changes that will inevitably happen, is waterproof, but is still comfortable and stylish. 

Look for stores that specialize in outdoor furniture instead of ones selling primarily indoor arrangements. Outdoor furniture stores know their brands and business in-depth and will often have a good variety to choose from, unlike their counterparts which will have a limited selection. 

Source: pexels.com

No matter which style of furniture you decide to go for, make sure it has these features and will round up the outdoor kitchen nicely. 


No space is really complete without some accessories, don’t you agree? 

When it comes to tying everything together in your outdoor kitchen you’ll need to pay attention to the extra details and small accessories that will make it all the more functional, practical, and attractive. 

First and foremost, you’ll need good lighting to make dining at night comfortable. Wall fixtures or an outdoor chandelier are some options you can opt for, or you can go with a more romantic setting and choose LED strips or lanterns that will create a soothing, intimate mood. 

Furthermore, you’ll need everything else an indoor kitchen needs. Think placemats, tablecloths, cutlery and dishes, cooking utensils, decor items – basically, all the things you have inside only for outside use! 

Well designed covered patio boasts stone
Source: cdn.shortpixel.ai

Having all these things will allow you to fully enjoy your outdoor kitchen experience without having to run inside every time you remember you need something. Your outdoor kitchen doesn’t need to be as stocked as your inside one, but it really will come in handy to have the basic equipment around. 

All in all, once you’ve followed all the rules and have designed your kitchen you’ll understand why outdoor dining is such a great idea! Not to mention, it will definitely up the price of your house while elevating your comfort and lifestyle at the same time!