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Step Up Your Décor: Update Your Drawer Pulls for a Whole New Look

March 29, 2021 — by Richard Dawson

Ah, drawers. Such a simple thing, yet so, so useful. Can you imagine your home without them? I sure can’t imagine mine!

Drawers have a long history, stretching all the way back to the late 1600s and they’re still going strong today. We’re sure they’ll continue with the same pace well into the future, as they are the ultimate evergreen piece of storing furniture out there. No matter the times and no matter the styles, we’re sure drawers will live on just fine.

Still, one aspect of drawers you might not have thought of is their decor potential. How? Well, drawer pulls! Drawer pulls are something that’s very visible in your home, since drawers can be found everywhere, from the bathroom and bedroom to the kitchen and living room! Taking into account their material, their design, and the overall look they give off is of utmost importance if you want a nice-looking, assembled home!

Here are some chic ideas for drawer hardware pulls you can purchase and install to enrich your interior with!

Contemporary Pulls for Spicing Up a Minimalist Interior

Source: CliqStudios

The minimalist style of home decor and interior design has been pretty popular for a while now. Its key features are clean lines, open spaces, and a monochrome, dual chrome at best, theme throughout. For people who hate clutter and love having everything look neat and tidy at all times, it’s godsent! If this is the style your home is following, contemporary drawer pulls will fit quite nicely within the whole ensemble.

Either black or white, to match the monochromatic scheme, and made of either steel, brass, or some similar shiny material, contemporary drawer pulls feature a simple, sleek design that is sure to not disrupt the eye when it glides over the space, something minimalist homes pride themselves in.

Even though they’re closely tied to minimalism, contemporary drawer pulls still can feature some decorations in an attempt to spice up the look. This is where you can make the choice to get those and put a little twist on your minimal home, or go with the flow and get plain pulls.

Because minimalism values geometrical shapes, you can have some fun with your drawer pulls and look for something that’s not decorated itself but is of an interesting shape. That way you’ll both keep the simple look, while still spicing things up a little bit!

Vintage Pulls for a Lovely Nod to the Past

Source: CliqStudios

The complete opposite of minimalist design, vintage draws inspiration from days of way back when. Homes following the vintage style are all about little knick-knacks, intricate detailing, perfect wallpapers in lively patterns, bright colours, and so on.

If your home belongs on the vintage spectrum of things, intricate drawer pulls will enrich the space in a very subtle, but meaningful way. Cast iron and brass are wonderful choices for such a home and so are gold-plated pulls, of course, if they match the general colour scheme.

You can really play around with your pulls here, opting for ones featuring intricate details and engravings, like the ones we see on doors of castles or mansions from times that have passed.

Another idea is to go for drawer pulls that are plain, but have a shape that’s special and interesting all on its own. Much like what some gates have, you can opt for a shape that mimics leaves on trees or a floral design to add a pop of fun elegance to the space.

One thing to watch out for when choosing vintage drawer pulls, though, is to not go overboard! Vintage can go from lovely to overbearing very quickly, so take into account how many pulls you’ll need and decide on their design based on that information. If you don’t need many you can go for intricate, if you do need a bit more, though, you’ll have to settle for something that’s interesting yet still subdued.

Remember, it’s all about balance!

Rustic Pulls for Bringing in Some Warmth

Source: Impressive Interior Design

Also drawing inspo from way back when, rustic interiors are all about wooden furniture, simple metals, lots of soft things laying around, leather and fur, plants all over, and just a general cabin-in-the-woods kind of vibe!

Brass is a great and old friend of the rustic home and so are things like cast iron and jute, especially when combined!

To round up a rustic-styled home, I’d recommend avoiding jet blacks and plain whites, and instead, playing with natural brass, browns, golds, and all other earthy colours.

I mentioned jute before and I’d like to expand on that a bit. Jute drawer pulls can be a bit hard to find, but once you’ve found them, you’ll be glad you did! Absolutely perfect for the rustic interior, jute rope pulls are the ultimate decor-meets-functionality item! Jute rope drawer pulls come in various shapes, but my personal favourite is round.

Simple, yet so effective and easy to use, it will add a homely vibe to your home and really solidify the look you’re trying to pull off with everything else!

Just like with the vintage homes, though, it’s quite easy to go overboard with details in this case too, so mind your surroundings and pick your drawer pull accordingly!

To Sum Up

Source: The Spruce

I bet when you first started reading this article you didn’t expect that drawer pulls can be so meaningful to a given space! However, I do hope you get a general idea now and that you’ve found this blog post helpful!

When decorating a home the devil is always in the details, so paying attention to these little additions can literally make or break the look you’re going for! If your home doesn’t answer to any of these styles I’ve mentioned, you really have a clean slate. Still, even if it doesn’t perfectly fit any of the above mentioned interior design examples, it will still resemble one or another, so you can use this blog as a guide to finding the best match!

Always remember to take the surroundings and the number of pulls you’re going to need into account and base your decision, in part, upon this information as well! Once again, it’s all about the details!