
Powdered Whey Protein: a Stepping Stone to a Hercules-Like You

March 3, 2017 — by Richard Dawson

I like to think that we live in the golden age of gym supplements, which motivates a lot of young people to start working out and achieve their results faster than they could a couple of years ago. At the forefront of all supplements lies protein, as the single most important and most consumed supplement. But with so many protein powders on the market, it’s a tough decision to pick the right one.Powdered Whey Protein

Protein can be viewed as the bricks of the body, and I’m glad more people are finally starting to embrace its power. It helps grow and repair muscles after working out and it undeniably helps the body’s performance, strength and composition. So if you’re looking to get into fitness and work on your body and overall health, the first thing you should do after getting a gym membership is buy powdered whey protein. Why whey protein precisely?

It’s by far the most popular protein supplement which has constantly shown to promote fat loss and muscle growth. It’s digested and absorbed in the body much faster than other proteins, which makes it the ideal choice to consume right before or after a workout. Whey makes for about 20% of the protein in cow’s milk and contains the richest branched-chain amino acid content (BCAA), including about 9% combined isoleucine and 11% leucine (2:1:1 relationship).

Leucine is a highly demanded amino acid, as it plays a big role in optimizing the muscle-protein production after strenuous exercise and in increasing and improving the activation of the mTOR pathway. Furthermore, whey is most likely the most thermogenic protein, which means that the increase in calories which the body burns per calorie consumed, is much bigger than that of other proteins. This is most likely connected to a more acutely potent effect on muscle protein synthesis.

It’s best that you take your protein at specific times throughout the day, according to sport nutritionists and bodybuilders. A good target to set is around 30% of total calories, or 1 gram per 500 grams of lean body weight. For instance, a lean 85kg athlete who consumes 3000 calories a day should consume about 200 grams of protein per day.

Moreover, every meal should be based on protein, where you consume at least 20-30 grams every three hours or so. This will help optimise muscle-protein synthesis. Powdered whey protein will surely make a significant difference in your muscle growth and muscle repair processes, as long as you implement it right in your diet throughout the day for a prolonged time period.