
Step-by-step Fish Video Clips Can Help You Catch the Fish you Want

July 20, 2016 — by Richard Dawson

Improving your fishing skills isn’t always possible if you don’t have someone to show you how. Well, that was completely true until recently since the internet has opened all sorts of doors. Something great that has come in recent times is the ability to learn new skills or improve old ones online. The same goes for fishing with some really great tutorials and fish video clips out there. All of this sounds unconventional because it goes a long way from old methods. Before everyone had access to the internet, fishing was taught in person from someone who had more experience than you. These days it’s quite easy to find some great fishing video clips that can teach you the basics: how to use certain equipment and how to catch the fish you really want.

Fish Video Clips

Now there are a lot of things that fall under this title but these are great videos for someone who is a beginner or someone who is just trying to brush up on their knowledge. Some of the basic things you can learn from watching basic fish video clips include:

  • The basic fishing glossary and words you will need to get familiar with.
  • The importance of and how to use basic materials such as lures, sinkers, hooks, reels, and rods.
  • How to tie string knots and many other basic knots.
  • How to fish with live bait and plastic bait, plus the differences between them.
  • All the different types of fish there are where to find them.
  • The different classifications of fish and why we put them in different groups.
  • Various ways to measure fish and when you should throw them back.
  • Weather patterns, moon phases and seasonal changes that affect fishing.
  • Many different fishing strategies for both beginners and advanced fishermen.

Some of the more advanced strategies you can learn from watching fish video clips include the following.

Fishing for Smallmouth & Largemouth Bass

Most professionals will tell you that you are best to start fishing in ponds before moving on to larger bodies of water. Pond fishing for this kind of fish really is a nice way to spend a day out in the sun so you want to make sure you know how. It’s super important when fishing for any kind of fish to know what bait to use and what these fish respond to so you are able to catch them.

Streamer Fishing

Stream fishing is the first step you take when you move on from pond fishing and into moving waters. There are plenty of video clips that can educate you on how you should deal with currents and other complications that arise in moving waters. It’s important to know all these things before attempting to fish as you will probably leave empty handed.

Learn the Difference In Equipment

It is really important when starting out to educate yourself on what kind of equipment is out there and the differences between them. It really does make a huge difference once you know what you should be using for what. This makes sure that you’re not caught off guard in any situation. It makes a world of difference and it really pays off at the end of the day.

Wet Fly & Nymph Fishing

Wet flies and nymphs are used a little later on when you start wanting to catch fish that seem to hide beneath the water. Watching video clips on this subject will make it easier for you to understand how to use them, whether you should use a strike indicator, and how to set the right kind of hook. Knowing this makes doing it in real life a whole lot easier.